

I am moving away from Shopify to WooCommerce.

Have a look at the Store menu to see the locally hosted WooCommerce store. Should have it sorted in a few weeks with eBay/Google integration.

New site finally ready

Hi All,

Finally converted my old website from using Rapidweaver to Word Press.

Word Press (WP) has a lot more flexibility and less costs involved. I decided to move as Rapidweaver has costed me a fortune over the past 10 years. There are endless updates $$$$ and plugins that need upgrading $$$$.

I did look at a product call Blocs and it was really promising but I also need content management and Blocs answer to CM was to use a WP plugin. Well, I thought I would just learn WP and have not looked back.

Computer Repairs

I am going to spend most of my free time fixing computers and web development. The online store will be still functioning, but most of the products will be moved to the Post Office and I will only sell a small amount online. Since the AUD$ is so bad and shipping is so high, I am not importing Qstarz, Canmore or any Parrot or KRAM products.